Gianfranco GFN encanta em novo single otimista 'Sunshine (And I Had a Dream)'


Por: Victor Matheus

Gianfranco GFN lança novo single 'Sunshine (And I Had a Dream)' sendo o sexto trabalho lançado no ano passado. Esse foi o último lançado em 2023. Antes, havia sido lançado 'Supernatural' e 'Doctor Wind'.

O novo trabalho de Gianfranco GFN 'Sunshine (And I Had a Dream)' é uma canção otimista, com uma vibe gostosa, onde os sonhos se tornam realidade, com tudo que é mais escuro, trevas, tornam-se nuvens passageiras, o sol então brilha em nossos corações.

'Sunshine (And I Had a Dream)' é leve, gostosa de ouvir, onde o soul e o rock se encontram e se combinam perfeitamente, com batidas fortes e uma melodia cativante, uma faixa que transforma o ambiente. O alto astral toma conta, os melhores pensamentos vêm a tona, nosso dia se torna luz, mesmo a noite, com uma trilha sonora para o ambiente ficar com aquele clima inesquecível.

Repare bem na letra, na temática, esse trecho: "You had a dream, you knew it was true, And in your dream, I was with you You were with me, like the sun in our hearts We couldn’t see, we never could part, we never could part". Além de ser uma canção cheia de esperança, tem também a parte romântica, o amor nisso tudo, o companheirismo.

'Sunshine (And I Had a Dream)' tem batidas lentas e cativantes, com riffs de guitarra que são leves e contagiantes, trilhando o rock por meio desse soul, com um vocal marcante, rasgado, que faz a faixa fluir em nosso corpo suavemente e aquece nossos corações para começar o ano com ótimas energias.

Ouça aqui:

Ouça nossa playlist Soul/folk/Jazz aqui:

English Text:

By: Victor Matheus

Gianfranco GFN releases new single 'Sunshine (And I Had a Dream)', the sixth work released last year. This was the last one released in 2023. Previously, 'Supernatural' and 'Doctor Wind' had been released.

Gianfranco GFN's new work 'Sunshine (And I Had a Dream)' is an optimistic song, with a pleasant vibe, where dreams come true, with everything that is darker, darkness, becoming passing clouds, the sun then shine in our hearts.

'Sunshine (And I Had a Dream)' is light, pleasant to listen to, where soul and rock meet and combine perfectly, with strong beats and a captivating melody, a track that transforms the environment. The high spirits take over, the best thoughts come to the surface, our day becomes light, even at night, with a soundtrack to create an unforgettable atmosphere.

Take a good look at the lyrics, the theme, this excerpt: "You had a dream, you knew it was true, And in your dream, I was with you You were with me, like the sun in our hearts We couldn't see, we never could leave, we never could leave". In addition to being a song full of hope, it also has a romantic part, the love in it all, the companionship.

'Sunshine (And I Had a Dream)' has slow and captivating beats, with guitar riffs that are light and contagious, trailing rock through this soul, with a striking, torn vocal, which makes the track flow in our body smoothly and warms our hearts to start the year with great energy.

Listen here:

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