Proklaim lança hit de verão contagiante em "Love Highway"


Por: Victor Matheus 

Proklaim lança novo single "Love Highway" sendo o sexto trabalho lançado nesse ano. 

Antes, havia sido lançado os singles "All Eyez" e "Around".

Os ouvintes aqui vão sentir uma vibe gostosa da mistura entre o hip hop e o afro Beat, com uma pegada latina que nos envolve completamente.

"Love Highway" é genial, marcante, com rimas rápidas, um clima afro caribenho nostálgico, um hit que chega para aquecer os verões agitar as praias.

Sol, mar, amigos, a galera toda reunida, um refresco, e " Love Highway" para fazer a galera dançar e cantar junto, com as mãos para o alto, sentindo a vibe e deixar fluir suavemente pelo corpo. 

Sempre com uma letra marcante e especial, "Love Highway" é mais uma genialidade de Proklaim, que nos conquista a cada single.

"Love Highway" gruda na cabeça, nos faz dar replay várias vezes seguidas, gostosa, suave, flui naturalmente em nosso corpo. Proklaim mostra que é versátil e varia com esse hit atemporal e relaxante.

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English Text:

By: Victor Matheus 

Proklaim releases new single "Love Highway" being the sixth work released this year. Previously, the singles “All Eyez” and “Around” had been released. Listeners here will feel a pleasant vibe from the mix between hip hop and Afro Beat, with a Latin feel that completely envelops us. "Love Highway" is brilliant, striking, with fast rhymes, a nostalgic Afro-Caribbean atmosphere, a hit that is enough to heat up the summers and rock the beaches. Sun, sea, friends, the crowd all together, a refreshment, and "Love Highway" to make the crowd dance and sing along, with their hands in the air, feeling the vibe and letting it flow gently through their bodies. Always with striking and special lyrics, "Love Highway" is yet another genius from Proklaim, who conquers us with each single. "Love Highway" sticks in our head, makes us replay it several times in a row, delicious, smooth, it flows naturally in our body. Proklaim shows that he is versatile and varies with this timeless and relaxing hit. Listen here:

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